Monday, 12 December 2005

The Aftermath (o el octavo despacho)

Ayer me fue confirmado: I'm read by no one =)

Pero eso es una liberación tremenda, porque no le tengo que responder a nadie. Está la posibilidad de dar las latas que quiera, de poner las tonteras que quiera, la cursilerías que quiera, las ironías que quiera, las fotos que quiera. A través de mi poco atractiva escritura (?¿) me he condenado a la libertad. Je suis sur l'arbre du bien et mal. De todas maneras, seguiré manteniendo el diálogo con lxs pocxs viajerxs que divagan y logran llegar acá por verbgracia de la suerte.

On the matter at hand, the plot thickens. Because, Parliment goes to the Government, but thigs point that the Oppossition may get to the Presidency. What happens next is really unpredictable, at least by this correspondant; the environment is somehow tense, because there's a whole lot of hostility towards Bachelet. Especially whithin the groups one is able to talk to, polarisation seems to be the tendency. Potentially, this could be even more tense than Lagos-Lavín. Even if the election has sort of buried Lavín, his party is still in a good position. And it amazes me though, how the UDI has been able to claim the very things it stood against. Furthermore, the wide support they're able to call upon is weird. More populist than popular I'd say.

Hopefully, we won't burst.
Things happens when the events which cause them are present.

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