Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Un cuerpo que antes de dormir me escribe

Before falling asleep I felt I was writing to someone,
to some-body,
and that somebody left traces, you know,
with you it's about writing.

You write yourself, but,
in your own way

(I know that every.body writes her/him/it/self, particularily, especially, in its/her/his own way)

But with you it's about writing
and unwriting
and putting spaces in between
and making this turn about
and saying not-always the same things
and looking around for missing things
and making things miss.

[No está totalmente igual. Parecido, pero de nuevo, pasó casi, pero no pasó lo que me había pasado. Me dio susto que volviera a pasar]

1 comment:

maderisticabro said...

Me da risa que te metas a mi blog. Reacciono así. Quien sabe. Y el funny, si es medio raro, claramente. Pero como que paf, simplemente surgió de la nada.

Curiosa tu entrada. Me dejó "en otra".
