Monday, 15 June 2009

Lost in...

Off and far away. That's it. All the rest is a bit redundant. Aeroplanes, signs one is unable to understand, the endless repetition of confused faces who ask 'what?'. Foreign keyboards and all that sort of thing. That's being far away.


Anonymous said...

i feel as though i haven't spoken to you in a long time. sorry to sound sort of ignorant, but are you in seoul/korea now?! (actually that's a really stupid question because you must be if there are signs in characters). it doesn't seem too long ago that you were in england!

anyway, i'll probably talk to you properly when you return, but in the mean time i hope you have a wonderful time! (regardless of the language barrier ;))

Lluvia said...

Inicialmente pensé en escribirte en ingles, no obstante me arrepentí y dije "seguramente querrá leer algo en su lengua madre"... no un algo cualquiera, lógicamente, sino un algo personalisado. Ten presente que pienso en ti. Me encantaría que nos juntemos (sería aún más bacán si nos pudieramos juntar allá)

Cuídate mucho! llega bien, vale?