Wednesday 7 December 2005

Exibicionismo intelectualoide narcicista

Book list

Now reading:
I, etcetra
Susan Sontag

Next in line:
Extension du domaine de la lutte
Michel Houellebecq

No faltaba más
Claudio Bertoni

Madame Bovary
Gustave Flaubert

Virginia Woolf
Quentin Bell

If in any moment a book falls in my possesion, the list shall be interrupted and resumed upon conclusion of the reading. Possible interruptions: 2666, Roberto Bolaño.

1 comment:

Fransada said...

hai escrito mucho -_-
sin embargo solo puedo decir que con la foto del caballo en flog me acorde de una cancion. aja
no le encuentro un sentido
osea en algunas partes, pero no en todas
quizas es por eso ke me encanta.

Mountain ranges
Morning red bathed ridges
Stab up at the trembling blue horizon
Grey slides lazily off rooftops
Lands on the incandescent ground and dies
A flock of little men touch down on the thin surface of porchlight
Dawn's footsoldiers return to march the twilight across our faces
Skylights ignite and explode
Scattering shards of april around the room
No one even lives here
We're too busy crashin our cars every morning in the same house
Paving the same roads
Unwilling to walk them
And even when we extend ourselves, its only to be included
In a moment that stands still
And so often we don't struggle to improve conditions
We struggle for the right to say "We improved conditions"
And so often we form communities
Only to use them as exclusionary devices
And we forget that somewhere man is beside himself with grief
And somewhere people are calling for teachers
And no one's answering
Somewhere a man stands, walks across the room, and breaks his nose against the door
And somewhere these people are keeping records
And writing a book
For now we can call it "The Book About the Basic Flaw
Or "The Book About the Letter A"
Or "Any Title That a Book About a Man That No One Cares About Might Have"
And as we turn the pages we call out the sounds of nothing
The sounds of a vanishing alphabet
Standing here waiting