Monday 1 May 2006

Closer II

A: I don't eat fish. Fish pee in the sea.
D: So do children
A: I don't eat children either

A: Why isn't love enough?

J: What were you so sad about?
A: Life

No se pueden subir fotos y sinceramente pienso que me está gustando más Rostropovich que Yo-Yo Ma. Por lo menos para la Suite 1. Es una pieza hermosa y la rapidez de R. me grafica más la idea que forma ese movimiento en mi cabeza.

Early morning. Someone's getting dressed in front of a mirror. Many people. Like the TVN opening, but in a room. Border The Hours. He's going to University or she wants to be out on time (she usually is, but she's more worried this time). It's a movie and people ride bikes. Maybe it rained last night but today's a nice autumn day with enough sun coming through to make leaves a bit more colourful.

Algo así. Y está Natalie Portman.

1 comment:

Fransada said...

amo a natalie portman (L)
en v for vendetta yo era :O (baba)

ejem, no la vi :( keria pero taba en reñaca sin cable ...

en fin, lalalaa I dont eat fish either