Friday 16 June 2006

4.48 II

and now I am so afraid
I'm seeing things. I'm hearing things. I don't know who I am. Tongue out. Thought stalled. Where do I start? Where do I stop? How do I stop? (As I mean to go on). How do I stop? How do I stop? (A tab of pain) How do I stop? (stabbing my lungs) How do I stop? (A tab of death) How do I stop? (squeezing my heart)

I'll die
...not yet
......but it's there

(Every act is a symbol, the weight of which crushes me)

I beg you to save me from this madness that eats me. A sub-intentional death. I thought I should never speak again, but now I know there is something blacker than desire.

perhaps it will kill me
perhaps it will save me

(remember the light, and believe in the light)

; You've seen the worst of me.
: Yes.
; I know nothing of you.
: No.
; But I like you.
: I like you.(Silence)
; You're my last hope.
: You don't need a friend you need a doctor.
; You are so wrong.

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